Blogs and Musings
May 27, 2020
I've been playing a lot of a mobile game (for my android) called Spiritwish [[shame it's gone now]]. It's a role-playing, collectible, multiplayer online game. The story is simple enough. A force of unknown origin is threatening the security of the kingdom in which you and your three-person group want to become an adventurer in. You get caught up in the schemes and learn much of the land's background in it. Through it all there are many references to powerful beings and unexplained magical phenomena and technology from an ancient culture that's lived it's last days before this new culture emerged.
With what I've already told you about looking at the game in the amount of creativity and planning and production, you can also take a look at it through the story-line. There are gods. Beings of a higher power that benevolently graced the culture with security and prosperity. There is evil. A source that threatens the very security granted from the gods. There are those caught between.
Sound a bit like life on Earth? The heavenly struggle for the people of Earth's future? Even our own ancient stories can all be tied well enough to the Benevolent Creator Himself. Our own failing nature explained in the Bible. The redemption ready for us also offered freely to us as a gift, demanding an answer from us.
Which side are you caught up with the most?